The DF-550E is designed to deliver
ultra-trace measurements of O2 as a
contaminant in ultra-high purity electronic
gases. With the highly sensitive 200ppt
LDL delivering superior analytical
headroom, the DF-550E’s fast response
provides sensitive and dependable
process monitoring. Suitable for use with
multiple background gases, the DF-550E
is unaffected by sample and flow rate
changes, making it ideal for upset prone
conditions. Portability is optimized via a
hand carry portable option and compact
calibration system which can be integrated
into the rear of the unit, optimizing
device portability.
In addition to its performance and
flexible use, the DF-550E minimizes
ongoing monitoring costs. The non
depleting nature of our Coulometric
sensing technology means the only
ongoing maintenance requirement is
an annual SPAN calibration, with no
programmable cell replacement needed.
欢迎来到西安致纯管道工程有限公司网站, 具体地址是陕西省西安市未央区谭家乡常青村常青苑4幢2单元,联系人是潘婷婷。
主要经营西安致纯管道工程有限公司主要服务于国内半导体微电子及分析测试实验室,致力于**高纯气体的输送,以及工艺关键系统的集成和工程设计,拥有**较先进的美国Swagelok M200全自动管管焊机,是行业可靠的二次配、集中供气设计与安装的集成供应商。